
Monday, August 10, 2015

Last Letter Home

I would just like to say that I loved my mission and I am so glad that I got all the support to encourage me to be out here and to keep going. I am very grateful for the members that have given me so much gifts and are also still doing so. The mission has taught me a lot and I was so happy I could learn it here in the mission field. I have come to know more of who my Savior is and what He can do for all of us whether it be big or small in our eyes. He has and still continuing to help my weaknesses become strong and perhaps even stronger! I am so grateful for the many trials that I have been through, push through, and broke through. Thank you to all who even said little or big letters. It helps me know that I am loved. I can't wait to see you all when I get home or when you get home. Love you all! Take care!

Elder Perucca

Monday, August 3, 2015

Probably last full letter I will write

So we are now coming to an end to this long mission have we. Jeez, it sounds crazy when I think how long two years ago was. I was just a immature 18 year old. Now I am an immature 20 year old. Haha. Just kidding! Still, it has been a pretty long journey at times. Other times it has gone so fast because I was having so much fun with other missionaries and members. In the end, I am very glad that I have been able to serve this mission here in Calgary, Canada. I would say from what it looks like to me that this mission is a super hard mission. It may not have the same trials as other missions where some are in 3rd world countries and all that. But the reason it was hard here was because of various reasons. One big one was probably the temptations at every corner. Now I wouldn't classify as like every movie that I saw playing in a members home or the store or a song playing in the city a temptation. We can't really control that so we just basically accept the "blessing" of hearing that popular song and move along. What I do mean is seeing all the stores where we could buy those things. Those are not the only reasons why this mission was hard, but that would probably be one of the major ones.

This week was...meh. We are still trying to figure out the whole Bow Island thing and I will probably mention that in my final interview with President Miles.Speaking of that, that is going to be this Wednesday. Plus during that time, we are also doing this "employment center" thing. I don't really know what it is all about, but we will just have to see. My companion will be going on exchanges that day with another companionship in our zone where one of them is going home with me. Me and the one who is going home, Elder Roper, will be traveling to Lethbridge together to go to the employment thing. Basically, it will be a day off for us I guess. 

Also, Walk-&-Talk August has officially begun. If you remember the last Walk and Talk August, it is pretty much the same here. However, I wish that took into consideration of what each area is like. Our area is very hard to walk to because it is sooooooo far away and going there would take like 3 hours because we can't walk on the highway. I don't really mind too much because I am going home soon, but I do want to leave this area better than when I cam to it. So we will do what we can right? 

We have also been talking to Michael and to be honest he is the most progressing person that we are working with. We have now told him what the Book of Mormon is and why we need it. He is really interested in it, however he finds the Book of Mormon pretty hard to read so he is struggling to understand it. Hopefully, we can work with him to understand what the Book of Mormon teaches and to also FINALLY come to church!

We also did some Zone finding this Saturday, but not much really came out of it. People don't like to walk outside here when it is this hot. It is the hottest part of Alberta. That is odd that last summer I was in the coolest spot in Alberta which was Pincher Creek and now I am in the hottest. I hope it isn't this hot in Utah. It has been over 30 degrees here for quite a bit.

Alright now, question time!

Questions #1: When are you expected to be in Calgary for meeting with your mission president, dinner, etc. before you fly out on Aug 14?
We don't know the whole schedule for that quite yet. All we know is on the 13th we go to transfers, go to Calgary, wait till devotional and after that or before that we don't know. I guess we will find out more as we go along.

#2: Do you have to do anything in particular at embassy, etc. in Calgary before you leave Canada?
(shrug) I don't know. I don't know what to really expect...:/

#3: How many missionaries will be leaving at the same time you will be?
If I counted correct I believe 17. But only a few will be on the plane coming to Utah with me.

Well, this is really it. My last full letter! Next time I don't think I will have too much to say. Thank you for all your support. Can't wait to see you all when I get home! Take care!