
Monday, July 28, 2014

Transfer week is here, And I don't know what is going to happen!

Hey all! Things this week were pretty busy. We visited a lot of potentials, well I should say try because they weren't really home or they didn't answer their door so ya. That happens quite a bit out here though. People say, "Sure come on back!" And then we come back and they either say they are busy and to come back later or they do not answer the door. People are too nice to say no here. It is sometimes annoying because you want the straight foreword answer. This is one of the reasons why I do not like tracting all that much. Like I have said before, I think members showing us there friends is the best way for us to get real investigators. But most of the members say they want to help, but they do not do it. It's alright though. I have been working on my patience with them. 

Congrats on Kyle on going to the MTC. I hope he enjoys the MTC. At first I enjoyed the MTC at first, but after a while I wanted to actually get out in the field. The MTC kinda gives you an idea of the mission field. But in the end, to really experience it, you need to go out to the mission field. I am not saying the MTC teaching is bad, it just isn't the same as the real mission field.

This week was two birthdays of someone in the ward. Anthony and Stephen. I got Anothony some Big Bang Theory Dvds. He loves that show. I got Stephen a Regular Show DVD since he loves that show. I kinda go all out on Birthdays to make people happy. They are some of my favorite members.

Now it is Question time:

1: Where is my companion from?
My companion is from Logan, Utah. I do beleive he did say he was born in Houston, Texas, but I need to double check on that.

2. What do we do as a Zone together?
We play lots of things on P-days. Usually it's scatterball which is like dodgeball, but it is with a raquetball. We also play some volleyball also and basketball too. If our zone is a bunch of nerdy kids however, I join in with the game of Dungeons & Dragons. 

3: Do I plan activities with the ward mission leader to get investigators out?
Each Ward Mission Leader is different. Some actually get into the missionary work. Some just tell the missionaries what to do. Ours tells us what to do mainly. He doesn't do too much of his own missionary work. We usually plan activities with other missionaries and plan to do a combine ward activity. We are planning a movie night on August 10th for every investigators.

4.Do I wear my retainer?
...yesssssssss. :/ 

5. Do we teach lessons on Sunday?
If you are referring to Sunday School lessons, that depends on the ward. In Creston, we did that a couple of times for Gospel Principles. My companion and I now usually split up the second hour of Sunday School to cover more ground in the ward so that we can earn the wards trust. We haven't taught any Sunday School lessons here as of yet, but that can change.
If you are referring to other lessons like after church in peoples houses, then yes we still do that. It says in the white handbook we have that tracting on holidays and Sundays are the best time to do so. I disagree. I have done that a lot and it usually comes out to no success. The others days are way better to do that. We usually like to visit members at this time so that we can have something to do on these days.

6. What is my favorite thing about serving the mission?
My favorite thing? Hmmmm, that is a toughy. I love to go to less-actives houses and also members houses to help increase their faith and also to get to know their children. Once the members trust you, the work gets much easier here. I also love the memories I make here with other missionaries. We have so much fun here and it's funny the words we use here out here. Like Pile, chode, posterity, etc. I would honestly say my favorite thing is hanging out with members because that is where I find myself the most effective is to help others with missionary work. 

7. What is my favorite thing to teach people about?
Favorite thing to teach...hmmmm. Well, I haven't taught a lot of the discussions as shown in Chapter 3 in Preach My Gospel to others. I have taught a lot of little messages after dinner or when we go to members homes to teach them. I usually love to teach people the description of prayer that Phil told me. Also, as well as helping people role play missionary work. 

8. What is my favorite thing about Canada?
Ummmmmmmm, let's see. It depends on where you are in Canada. I do like how they use "eh" here. I use it quite often now and I still can't see how last time I talked to you that you think I was saying things wrong. I can't really recognize it. I am sure next time you talk to me you can pick out what I say weirdly.

Well, thank you for all the questions! I love answering those because it gives me something to talk about and helps keep my letters long! Love you all! Stay safe! I will let you know if I get transferred this week!

(From Left to right: Elder Jacobs, Elder Poulter, Elder Hafen being held, Sister Almeda, Sister Stuki, Elder Larson (my companion), me) 

Monday, July 21, 2014

I just came to say hello

Hello, everyone! This week went by speedily quick. Then again, this whole transfer has been going insanely fast. I have come to the conclusion that when you are having fun during your missionary, time goes by fast and is very enjoyable. Some missionaries think if they are having fun out here, they are doing missionary work wrong. Also, there are a number of missionaries that think that success is depended on numbers. How wrong can they be? It is more annoying when these missionaries are your leaders. 

This last week was when everyone was starting to come back from their vacation. It was yet another tough, but yet fast week. Now members are coming home and we can visit them more and help them with their missionary work. Things have been going well with that. Something else we did this week was blitz in our area. All of the missionaries in our zone came to our area and decided to spend two hours to find new people. While me and the Elder I went with didn't find any, I did find a lunch and dinner appointment for us. Haha! Not exactly what we looked for, but I will take it. Turns out that others found 2 investigators for us and tons of potentials. Hooray! At least we have some this time in our area. Like I have said before, whenever I go finding for us, I always find someone who doesn't live in our area that is interested. Weird!

I realize that I haven't shown you a picture of my companion. Here!
​Actually this is my district. This is the order from left to right. Elder Poulter, Elder Hafen, Sister Almeida, Sister Stuki, Elder Larson (my companion), and me. Yep, this is my little district. I don't have a picture of our entire zone quite yet, but I will see if I can get it and then show it to you. Now here are some other photos. 

Piggy Road! That isn't my companion in the picture. That is Elder Treseder who me and him totally like to hang out! We have so many interests its awesome! He loves Sonic, I love Sonic! He loves board games, I love board games. He hates tracting, I hate tracting! It's awesome! 

This transfer is coming to a close. Only one more week left and then it will be transfer week. I don't think I am going to get transferred, but there is always a possibility. I hope I don't get transferred. 

Turns out all my stuff got deleted from my flash drive. That means all my music, pictures, videos, etc. :( But thank goodness I saved all of it on my big passport that Mom gave to me before I left home! Thank you mom! Good thing I didn't lose everything. 

I am so glad I was an example and also a very fun guy back home. It seems like I left a big impact on people back home and they seem to do things I did. Apparently, the "good morning, orning, orning" thing was only done at the last campout that I went on before my mission. They just found it so funny and decided to start doing it. I hope Dallin Cornell is doing well in the military and I can't wait to get that letter from him. I hope he does well in the army. 

Now to answer your guys questions. This will be something new I will start so please ask away:

1: Have I seen Elder Shumway?
Actually, the first time I saw him was at Zone Conference in June. Ever since then I have only seen him once, and that was today while we were somewhat emailing in the Library. He and I just had a cool hello and wondered what was up with people. He is in the Zone right next to me so he is pretty close. 

Well, I got to get going! Love you all and hope all is going well and may everyone of you have a "Good Morning, orning, orning!" 

-Elder Perucca

Monday, July 14, 2014

Another slow week

So, this was another week of the Stampede in Calgary and people are not home like most of the day. It is pretty dang discouraging when you don't have much to do. This week just was...meh.

However, with the people we did see, they couldn't stop talking about the world cup and then after church we went to a member for dinner and then somebody told us about the final results. It was funny to see peoples reaction on what either team did in the game or how people down there think that Soccer is their religion. No one was really at church on Sunday. They were mostly gone. We just did a family history class. There is going to be a ton of service this week actually and it is freakin as hot as ever!!!! My companion and I are getting closer together and playing some sweet games so that we can get closer!

Our investigators are gone on vacation so we won't be seeing them for a while. 

I did get the package from you and thank you so much for it! I got plenty of instant breakfast packages now! I will be well fed for breakfast lol! Yeah, it is pretty hard to see missionaries in Calgary with all the people around and how big it is and all that. 

It makes me happy that people are asking about me and caring about me. Makes me feel like I did something back in our home ward. I am glad I held people together. I kinda see what happened when I left. People kinda just fell apart in two groups. Kinda odd. I know the priest quorum stayed together, but from my other friends many of them just split off and went their own way. Maybe that happens usually after High School. I don't know. 

There is nothing else really to say. Other than our zone is getting closer together...well, certain parts of our zone. We are trying to build Zone unity, but people have other plans and do stuff that make other not really like them so....I don't know.

Well, love you all and I hope this week will be great and actually be able to do something and Happy 11th birthday to me and also Happy late birthday to Joce!!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Everything is AWESOME!

This week was another pretty dang busy week! We did a ton of service as usual, but also we taught a lot of members the discussions seeing that we don't have any investigators quite yet. We are trying to build trust with the members in our ward still and it is quite expanding, but it is hard to get a lot of members trust when you don't have a investigator pool. 

That is until this Sunday! We recently got two new investigators! One of them was a potential and we stopped by quite a bit, but he wasn't there. Then finally we stopped by and he was there and told us to come over next Friday evening so that we can share our message! Sweet Sweet! His name is Doug. I guess I really had to have patience for this to happen. The other one was pretty sweet too. There was a family that was on vacation and left their special needs kid behind. A teacher was looking after her and they both came to church. We sat next to the teacher during sacrament meeting and explained all that was going on and got to know her. Her name is Erin. She is a very nice lady. We asked her if she like to listen more to our message and she said she is kinda busy now, but gave us her phone number and told us to give her a call later in July. Whoot whoot! Pretty dang excited!

Apparently, we are also hearing that we ARE getting iPads pretty dang soon. They say it is as early as Fall and as late as the beginning of the next year that we are going to get them! I am so flippin excited for that. Lots of missionaries here are not because they don't think our mission is prepared for them. Are you kidding?! This is going to help us a ton! The people who tell us they are not ready for us are a whole bunch of "try-hards". This can really help us and it could really help me in my last area but whatever. I really hope that things will look up from here with the iPads.

I did not get the package quite yet. We do get mail today sometime so by next week I will tell you all that will go on. Tons of my young friends have not emailed me which is understandable because they are probably on vacation or busy with family around this time of year. Can't wait for Kyle to start getting going on his mission! He will soon understand what true missionary work is. Andrei is going to also have a great time.

The work here is pretty dang rough though. This last week was super dead for like street contacting and trying to get in with members regularly because of vacations and stuff and it will probably be like that during this week. That's a toughy. But I guess we do what we can!

Thank you for sending those pictures of Jayne! Those were pretty dang funny. I wonder how she will react when she sees me. She probably doesn't even know who I am. Oh, well. President interviews are this week. Sometimes it's scary to talk to President. 

I think that is all I have to report on. I hope all is going well back at home! Thank you so much for the updates! Love you all! See ya!