
Monday, July 14, 2014

Another slow week

So, this was another week of the Stampede in Calgary and people are not home like most of the day. It is pretty dang discouraging when you don't have much to do. This week just was...meh.

However, with the people we did see, they couldn't stop talking about the world cup and then after church we went to a member for dinner and then somebody told us about the final results. It was funny to see peoples reaction on what either team did in the game or how people down there think that Soccer is their religion. No one was really at church on Sunday. They were mostly gone. We just did a family history class. There is going to be a ton of service this week actually and it is freakin as hot as ever!!!! My companion and I are getting closer together and playing some sweet games so that we can get closer!

Our investigators are gone on vacation so we won't be seeing them for a while. 

I did get the package from you and thank you so much for it! I got plenty of instant breakfast packages now! I will be well fed for breakfast lol! Yeah, it is pretty hard to see missionaries in Calgary with all the people around and how big it is and all that. 

It makes me happy that people are asking about me and caring about me. Makes me feel like I did something back in our home ward. I am glad I held people together. I kinda see what happened when I left. People kinda just fell apart in two groups. Kinda odd. I know the priest quorum stayed together, but from my other friends many of them just split off and went their own way. Maybe that happens usually after High School. I don't know. 

There is nothing else really to say. Other than our zone is getting closer together...well, certain parts of our zone. We are trying to build Zone unity, but people have other plans and do stuff that make other not really like them so....I don't know.

Well, love you all and I hope this week will be great and actually be able to do something and Happy 11th birthday to me and also Happy late birthday to Joce!!

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