
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

September 23, 2014

Oh, how I find enjoyment of being a DLB because I love going on exchanges with other people. Unfortunately, I cannot go on exchanges this week since this week is all crazy with meeting a general authority and P-day being on Tuesday rather on Monday. Which reminds me, THIS TRANSFER IS 5 WEEKS! Not 7 weeks! That is next transfer. 

Anywho, yesterday a General Authority came to our mission. It was Elder Packer. Not the 12 apostles packer, but the seventy Packer. He taught us how to teach effectively. Many people out here think that all they have to do is be obedient and they are automatically great at teaching. However, you can see the difference because usually, obedient missionaries solely rely on the Lord to do their teaching, which is wrong in my opinion. Elder Packer said that the most effective teaching is usually asking direct questions and helping them how to know the church is true.  You need to do your part in order for the Lord to do His part as well. It just makes sense and I can testify that it did happen. We have two promising investigators at the moment. I didn't talk to President. It went well. We mostly looked back on how much I have grown in the past year. 

Another thing that bothers me so much is this: I have learned how to deal with certain kinds of companions. Sometimes, I think missionaries out here don't understand fully on what missionary work is and I know they learn throughout the mission, but there is one thing that makes missionaries not happy at all. It is when their companion forces them to do something. I have seen and experienced missionaries forcing their companions to do certain things they like just because they want to do it. The other companions says his opinion, but the other missionary ignores it and wants it done his way. That feeling of having someone not listen to you or ignore you is completely frustrating. When missionaries do this, you can see their area and them failing so bad. What I feel these missionaries need to do is not through what they think or what they know down their companions throat. 

That is what deeply frustrates me and I am glad that my companion right now is not doing that because if he did, I would not like it at all. 

Other than that, we have been trying to talk to our investigators so that we can get back with them, but most of them have not answered so we can't really meet with them. It is a bit frustrating, but we just have to be patient. 

Anyways, that is all I got and there hasn't been any questions this time in the letters. So, yeah. Also, I will be now emailing on Monday from now on...I hope. So just like you to know that. See you guys! Love you!

-Elder Perucca

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