
Monday, August 4, 2014

Transferred, In Missionary Heaven, and Lost Wallet

(Me, Elder Mackay (my mission dad), my mission brother)

​Lots has happened since the last time I have emailed you guys. First I got transferred down to the south again which I love! I love serving in the south because I like the members in the south because they are more workable than the members in Calgary. 
Me and my new companion just got purged into this area meaning we both came into this area without knowing what it is. My new companion is Elder Koneitz. He is from Germany! He is pretty cool so far. Me and him get along pretty well. The area is freaking sweet though! There are so many service opportunities here it is not funny! Plus the WML family is so much fun to be with. Their name is called the Ludwigs! They have 6 children and one is on a mission. They are so much fun. The area I am in is called Pincher Creek.

There is a law here in the city where we cannot go tracting or street contacting when talking about the gospel which I don't mind honestly. We will have different ways to find here. But there is plenty of services here. 

But sadly after 3 days here, I lost my wallet. I think I left it in my apartment here in Pincher Creek somewhere, but I don't know where or it fell out of my pocket. I hope I can find it or get new stuff.

Question Time:

1. How many missionaries are in my zone? District?
I have 22 missionaries in my zone, I have 8 missionaries in my district.

2. Does my area serve one specific ward/branch?
We cover Pincher Creek and a little branch in the Crows nest pass. 

3. How long has my companion been out on his mission?
He has been out for 10 months. One transfer before me.

4. Have I met my new companion before I was his companion?

5. What types and numbers of investigators are here in this area?
We have 2 investigators here who are really solid and are just ready to get baptized soon.

6. Does my area have a car or bicycle?
Both. We can use either or. We have certain clicks with our car though.

7. When missionaries go to a new area, are they required to travel together for some of the way or do they go totally on their own?

We meet at a transfer station. For the North we meet up in the Willow Park Chapel in the South part of Calgary. In the south we meet in the West Stake Center in the Lethbridge city. We meet there, get our companion, and travel in car there. 

8. Are there any other missionaries here that I know?
Elder Olson who is from American Fork is here in my district. Elder Delange who was in my very first zone is here in my district. Elder Lusk is in my zone.

9. Am I happy with the change?
I am happy so far with this change. I hope it continues like this.

10. Is it got up here?
Oh very much so! It is so hot it is not even funny! But it is still enjoyable! 

Well, that is all I have here! Love you all and stay safe!

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