
Monday, July 20, 2015


Can't really say too much this week because most of the people we tried to meet this week were not home or were pretty busy. It was a pretty dead week to be honest so there wasn't much to do. Elder Poulter is still having some sleeping problems, but I learned it is not just me because of it. He has had this sleeping problem since he was born and can't really sleep because his legs won't relax or something. He has to take ibuprofen and a sleeping medicine for him to sleep nice. But that doesn't work all the time. It is alright though. I let him sleep for however long he wants because I'd rather have a functioning companion than someone who isn't thinking straight or is dosing off. I am sure my companions did the same when I was sick or whatever. It helps a lot to deal with stress or whatever.

We have been asked to help this one kid get ready for his mission by taking him to do several stuff out in Bow Island. Problem is that there isn't much to do in Bow Island at all! I don't want to go on about it as I am sure I have done so for the last 3 emails. But meh, it's whatever. I only have to go out there 3 more times.

So our investigator who was nine got baptized this Saturday in Carston. The bishop made sure that it was done by going to the baptism and all that. We don't really work with our investigator at the moment now because he will be staying in Carston for the whole summer basically. So I am sure I won't be seeing him again or either their family. But it is nice to know that we did do something to help him with his progression. I have still not seen a baptism that I have really helped with. I mean, sure, Nichole in Parkland for one lesson and this kid for one as well, but as to really progress with them, I haven't. I am not saying that I am sad about it however. I am really glad that I could be part of the progressing stage. It is so nice to hear after you leave that area that the person you were working with before is getting baptized or has been baptized. Just because I didn't witness their baptism, doesn't mean that I didn't have the chance to help them or help them see or feel the Holy Ghost in their lives.

This Sunday was pretty cool as well because we were helping someone who spoke Tai here take the lessons. When I say help, I mean we just set up the Skype call and told the person what to teach this person. It is usually the Spanish missionaries that take care of this, but they were not there because they had to stay in Brooks about something. It was pretty cool however because sometimes they spoke a bit of Spanish and I could pick out some words and kinda understand what they were talking about. I couldn't really understand the gospel terms they were saying, but really just common ones. In the end, we committed him to pray about the Plan of Salvation and to read certain scriptures about it. He said he would.

I have also finished my study copy of the Book of Mormon that I have. It has all my notes in it that I had come to me while I read it and also previous notes from my previous scriptures. Now I am working on transferring my old Bible notes over to my new one. It is a pretty long process, but when I read it, it helps me understand what I just read. Before I would just highlight it without any explanation and later I would come back to that verse and not understand why I highlighted it.

As for the obedience thing, I have heard multiple times that saying about, "Obedience brings blessings, strict obedience brings miracles." I think it doesn't really depend on obedience alone as people think. Sure people can wake up at 6:30 and do all the daily routine and such, but just because they did those things doesn't mean everything will be great and dandy and whatever. There is an analogy that our AP told us: There is one missionary who does everything obedient. He wakes up on time, studies, doesn't listen to bad music, etc. But when he goes out to do the harvest, he only brings a pair of scissors. That won't cut much wheat down for it to be stored. Now we have another missionary who slacks up a bit here and there. He doesn't always wake up on time, listens to questionable music sometime, lacks in studies here and there, etc. But when he goes out to work or to do the harvest, he brings a scythe to bring in the harvest. It is important to know that the Lord uses different tools for us missionaries to help others. One could be obedience. Another could be diligent work. Another could be love. Obedience is not the only tool the Lord gives us as missionaries.

Alrighty now, question time!

#1 Do you count our investigator as a convert baptism seeing that he is nine years old?
Yes, we do. Anyone who is over 8 years old that we help baptized counts as a convert baptism for us. I don't know how it works with the church and all, but as for missionaries, yes it counts.

Question #2 Where do you stay when you go to Bow Island?
We stay with members either with this family named the Atwoods or the Features or something like that. Both pretty nice families. The Atwoods feed us a lot which I am grateful for.

Well that is all that happened this week basically. I can't guarantee more will happen this week seeing that people are still gone this week. We have President interviewson Tuesday and we will see what I get to talk to him about. I will talk to you guys next week for the 3rd to last time! Love you all! Take care!

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