
Monday, July 6, 2015

President is gone!

Well President Nicholas is gone we got a new Mission President this last week. To be honest, I didn't noticed the change much. The mission pretty much stayed the same for now. It won't be much different until later, and to be honest I don't think I will be here long to be involved in it. There is a talk going around saying that there is going to be another Walk and Talk August as we did last year. I don't really see the point of it because we already did it and it is trust trying an old idea again. If they are going to do it, I would rather they shorten the goal so that is IS reachable. We didn't even reach 10,000 when we did it the first time.

So what can I tell you about this week. Well, this week was short, but long at the same time. Let me explain: When we are in Medicine Hat, the work goes faster and smoother because there are things to do here. Members are always willing to talk with us and they are chill with missionaries. However, in Bow Island, time seems to slow down. I could almost say it comes to a screaming halt. No members really want to talk with us except for 1. Plus, the area is just DEAD. The members treat it like it is not dead, but it is absolutely dead. We can't really do much about it. We try to visit people, but they are always busy or just not friendly to the missionaries. If I had to the choice, I would probably go out there maybe every two weeks by the way it is progressing. Oh well, we are still trying to work with them I guess.

We did however get someone out here on date. Well, he is going to Carston to get baptized, but we still put him on date for the 18th. He is part of an inactive family, but all, but the husband, are returning to church. The kid is 9 years old and we just had to teach him the basics because he wasn't baptized when he was 8. We basically taught him the last 2 lessons really fast right after church and got our district leader to interview him later that day. It is pretty tricky because our district leader is out in Brooks which is quite far away.

We may have found a new investigator as well BECAUSE, are you ready for this, OF A MEMBER!!! Surprised? I am not since that is total key for missionary work to progress. We had supper at this woman's house and she brought a non-member. We had fun and played some games and got to know this guy. When we shared our dinner message and explained our purpose he expressed that he would like to know more and loved to learn more about the gospel, all because a member invited him to a dinner. See how easy that is? I am super proud this ward gets member missionary work because there are a few that do.

We did do a bit of tracting this week because my companion is a fan of that. But I found the reason why I don't like or not very good at tracting. I can't do the initiative or start the conversation at a door. It is just awkward for me. So, whenever we go tracting, my companion does the first talk and then I come in later. It makes me tolerate tracting. But ya, we did that. Nothing much came from it as usual.

I was happy to see Kaylee and her new born baby! Whoo hoo! That is a crazy story for what happened. I am glad the baby is safe and well. I have a second niece! Whoo hoo!

I have sent a package home. It is another "Do Not Open Till I Get Home" package. If you would not open it that would be awesome. Thank you.

Well, summer is still here and activities are coming. We got some BBQs this week and going to meet some awesome people from the ward. I will talk to you guys next week. Love you all!

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