
Monday, November 3, 2014

Thank you for the Birthday wishes! and a break down of Missionary work in my Opinion

Thank you all for all the birthday wishes that you guys send for me! It was awesome how many I got! And thank you so much for the surprise of the pizza. It was funny! The zone leaders told us that they wanted to have lunch with them. We were kinda skeptical at first because we thought that the zone leaders would ask us weird questions for the excuse for lunch. But the pizza was great! The Elders that did eat with us thought it was delicious and were so full when we were all done. I wonder how you guys got to do that and exactly where you knew where to deliver it.
We tried to visit Billie Jean again, but she didn't answer which is no surprise haha. I tend to get used to appointments getting dropped a lot. But what can you do right? Richard called us and told us that he couldn't come to church because his apartment was getting inspected that Sunday and he was busy. It kinda bummed us out, but again, what can you do right? You tend to get used to it as a missionary. We still have an appointment with him this Wednesday and we will have to see how he is going to react to like his 3rd time with the missionaries. We still get most of our referrals from other missionaries and we contact them as much as we can right?
The ward actually has been trying to help us with missionary work by saying that they should do most of the finding. I agree for most the part of it. Like to be honest, missionaries can only go so far as to find here. Areas have been tracted out plenty of times here and usually nothing comes at it when you go tracting again. That is where the members bring in their friends to help us to teach them, or they invite them to an activity. Now don't get me wrong, missionaries still do some finding out here as I told you before. We go downtown and all that jazz. But again, out of all the finding stuff, that usually is the last resort and it doesn't really work to well. There is usually a process to get members to trust that and that is teaching in their home or letting them see us while we go out to work. Without member trust, you can't really do much in your ward because they won't tell you much. Most missionaries think they can change an entire area by themselves and by themselves alone! That is pretty much the stupidest thing I have ever heard. We are supposed to come together with the members and work together to help bring souls to Christ. If you remember, I believe in the Hastening the Work of Salvation video, a stake president said that there isn't a missionary church and a ecclesiastical church over somewhere else. Now, sometimes it isn't the missionaries that is the problem, but the members sometimes need help too. Which is kinda what I think my purpose has been out here. Like I have said before, I have helped prepared areas to do missionary work as a ward and help missionaries to do so as well, and right when it starts happening, I get transferred. I find this a little annoying, but also pretty sweet as well.
That is my personal opinion on a little piece of missionary work so far in my mission. I still got a little more to learn, but I do what I can to learn. Plus some weird things have been happening in our mission. Lots of people are starting look like they look to President Nicholas that knows everything. I do believe you should go to the Lord first, and if nothing comes up, then contact our President. But oh well. The Flu Shot didn't cost anything and we were there right before the rush came for it. Thank goodness right?! We went with Rocky View Elders since they live pretty close to us. Our Zone is freakin awesome and as far as I know, our Elders are pretty normal.
Well, I think that is all I have to say this week. Again thank you so much for all birthday wishes and thank you Grandma for your present to me and happy birthday on the 8th! I probably need some socks for my Christmas package too. Thank you! Talk to you next week!

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