
Monday, March 3, 2014


Alright, the reason being why my letter was so stinking short last week was because my computer decided to freeze up randomly and go crazy! I couldn't really do anything! I couldn't email much people and I only had like 5 minutes to email all of you so I am sooooooo sorry for that! Hopefully the computer won't do that again which now it seems to be working great now!

Anyways, this last week was insanely cold! Yeah it said it was like -25 C when we call for the weather, but they don't usually tell us of the extreme wind chill which could make it go to -40!! If that happens, we are not allowed to go out anywhere. We have to stay in, so guess what we did most of this week? Stay in!! Yep! Whooooooooo!!!!...and it was boring...but hopefully the weather will do better this week.

We did go to a small activity with our YSA members. They had a talent show and before you ask, No, I did not participate in the talent show because of short notice. I wanted to, but I was a bit late. But the entertainment was great! All the members were great and they did pretty dang good. One did like a little rock concert. Another did a magic show. Then there was a random pie eating contest which was slightly entertaining.

However, the thing that was pretty dang cool was even before the talent show, we went to help and after we were done setting up, members took us out to dinner and we went to Little Caesars! Holy fetch they are different! They sell salad here! What the Fetch?! And there pizza for hot and ready is so small compared to ours and it cost $8! But we still bought some and me and Elder Smith gorged ourselves with pizza and it was fun. The members that took us out really like us and we try to help them to do missionary work.

And on that point that is what we are mainly focusing on out here. We are trying to help members get involved in missionary work because we can't all do it by ourself. We are trying to meet with as many members as possible and possibly get in their house to sit down and get to know them and help us do some missionary work. It is pretty hard to adjust to the members schedules because they have school and work. But we are trying to do the best we can do here. Sometimes it is a pain to be in this area, sometimes it is a blast.

Anywho, that is all that we got so far and again I am sorry for the short email last week and hopefully it does not happen again. Love you all and hopefully I will get your snail mail soon!

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