
Monday, May 19, 2014

Its been a "Frozen" week

You know, "For The First Time In Forever", I have a pretty sweet missionary ward. They always are letting us know how they can help others all that. It is pretty sweet! I really want to go outside and ask people "Do You Want to Build A Snowman?", but I bring up the gospel instead you know. Still, there are sometimes where I hold back on what I want to say. But I know I just have to "Let It Go", and then I just "can't hold it back anymore". I may be in this area "In Summer", unless I get a random transfer notice. I think by then my "Frozen Heart" will be melted. I think I need a little "Fixer Upper" my companion so that he knows what missionary work is all about. One time we were out talking to people and this girl was just shutting us down with whatever we were saying and saying that we are wrong. After we talked to her, I was thinking "Reindeer(s) are better than people", but maybe I just had a bit of Frozen in my head. I was reading my scriptures and saw how Christ loves his people. "Love is an open door"! 

Alright Alright, I am done with all the Frozen references. But to tell the truth, this week was pretty brutal. It did end off well with our baptism that I didn't do too much in, but it was still a happy experience for all of us. Nikole, she was investigating the church for a year. No I did not participate. Like I said, I didn't do much with her. Lots and lots of people came though. It was a party! 

My companion and I are having a really difficult time getting along. He thinks he knows everything and won't open to my counsel. Hopefully, he will actually listen one of these days. 

The members here are pretty dang sweet. I can't complain and I get along with them so much! The children are so darling and it sucks that I can't do too much with them, but I do what I can to build a relationship with them and it is sweet. 

Well, we have heard something exciting is happening tomorrow in Zone Conference. I don't know exactly what it is, but I have a hunch what it might be. We shall see :)

Love you all and take care!

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