
Monday, December 22, 2014

Caroling Galore

NON-STOP CAROLING! We have been singing a ton this week for the Christmas season and I am not sick of the Christmas Carols yet. It was pretty dang cool how many people were so receptive to us singing to them. Not only did we carol as a district again, but some members yesterday took us caroling as well to a whole bunch of less actives. We had a lot to eat as well. They usually feed us like some mexican alad which is a big deal here because mexican food up hear is very expensive. We usually love members who serve us mexican food.
We couldn't really see our investigators this week because of two things: 1. They were gone for the Christmas season. and 2. Some of them had the flu and couldn't meet up. Frank and Annie were gone for this week it seemed so we couldn't meet up with them. Cade got super sick this week and we couldn't communicate with him. However, one of the members of the Stake Presidency told us that he basically told his dad that he and his entire family is going to be baptized. They even prepared for it by buying new suits and scriptures. The situation there is pretty complicated. Cade lives with his mom and stepdad, but wants to get permission from his real dad for the lessons. That is what we are waiting for. Come to think of it, both of our investigators are waiting games. All we can do it wait till they get permission or till someone finalizes his divorce. :/

Question time:
1. How does this time of year affect your teaching of your investigators and work with less active members?
Meh, it kinda makes a difference, but not by much. Christmas is usually time where investigators are gone and less-actives are always home. I don't think I told you this, but our mission is mainly less-active work and it probably always will be.
2. How did you know how many times the word atone or atonement are in the scriptures?
I have this book called "The Continous Atonement" by Brad Wilcox. I am a big fan of Brad Wilcox and his talks because not only are they interesting, but they are so simple, but complex at the same time. Missionaries out here like to talk about deep stuff which I am fine with. I have no objection to it, but sometimes you have to use hard words or wierd thoughts to do that. Brad doesn't do that. He keeps it simple and I love that.
3. Do you correspond much with other full time missionaries that were friends or fellow ward members before your mission?
A bit yeah. Sometimes it comes up about memories coming home, sometimes it doesn't.
Sorry for the short letter, but we are going to talk on Thursday so you can tell me whatever you want there. I believe the rule still stands as long as we are not a inconvenience or bothering the member, we can talk however long we want. But I guess its your call. We can use Google Hangout or Skype. I will set up both accounts just in case one doesn't work. By the way, a member invited us over at 10:30 and said we can use her laptops. We can begin at 11:30 or sooner or later. Just let me know as soon as possible. Love you all and see you on Thursday!

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