
Monday, December 15, 2014

Surprise after Surprise after Surprise!

Well hello everyone! This week was just...great! Lot's of good tidings of great joy that happened here! First off, we had ZTMs this time instead of DDMs. Our entire zone got together and had a little training. This training was on how do we as missionaries fit in the restoration. It was a pretty good training. It was just on how we as missionaries can tie everything back to the Restoration of the Gospel! It is nothing I already heard before, but it is a good reminder to learn about these things.
Now Wednesday was great because it was our Mission party. All the missionaries from the north went to this gathering and it was just like last year at Christmas. President bought us pizza and you can probably guess that I went crazy on it! You know I like pizza! Anywho, after eating, President Nicholas shared his family tradition of Christmas. It was mainly telling the story of the birth of Jesus Christ of what happened in the America's. We sang a lot of songs together as a mission and you could definately feel the Spirit of Christmas there. Now, I told you that this party was like last years party with President, but there was one quirk. Previously, President told us that they were playing "Meet the Mormons" in a movie theater in South Calgary. He told us we couldn't go to it or proselyte near it. However, he said he got permission from Salt Lake to show us the movie, and he pulled out the dvd! We were screaming and cheering because we were so happy to see this movie that has come out! I have to say I really liked it. *SPOILERS* The beginning was hilarious with all the rumors that were said about us. And...I have to admit, BUT I WASN'T ALONE, the ending was really emotional with the missionary mom. Most of the missionaries in the party were sniffing and crying a bit when that was playing.There are only two church videos I get emotional on now. "Meet the Mormons" and the Tyler Haws Mormon Message. But other than that I am good!
I also had interviews with President on Thursday and it was actually very good. We looked back on how I had progressed as a missionary. He could see it as well and could tell I was changing for the good. I also asked him about Google Hangout. He said I was allowed to use it. I have never used it before so I guess this is new to me. However, you can have more than one tablets or people on Skype as well.
We also went caroling as a district thie Saturday! It was pretty fun. We took a portable piano with us so that we could plug it into peoples houses when they came to hear us sing to them. I was the Piano player and Elder Shumway was the guitar player. The singers were Elder Olsen, Elder Olson, Elder Heuer, and Elder Carlton. It went pretty well! We sometimes changed the beat up for songs so they could be a bit catchy. We may go to a C-Train station and perform there. We sing and then we hand out the He is the Gift Christmas Cards that we got from the mission. That is another thing that the mission is focusing on is the He Is the Gift video.
There was a carol festival as well this Sunday that we went to. It was held at our Stake Center, but there were choirs of all sorts all around Calgary that were there. It was beautiful and I loved it! I would love to see it again.
Now it is question time!
 Question #1, do you guys ever shovel snow for service?
Yes we can do that, but like I said last week, it was mostly sunny so all our zone was gone.
Question #2, is there any more information on when your mission might begin using tablets?
We don't know too much. We just keep hearing they will come soon...:/
Well, we still need to establish a time for Skype so let me know as soon as possible when is the best time.
Also, without looking it up or searching it, how many times is the word Atone or atonement in the new testament? the book of mormon? Love you all!

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